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California Solar PV Case Study

Our client faced an urgent challenge during the construction of the Slate project - a 300MW solar photovoltaic (PV) plus 140.25MW/561MWh storage project based in California. 

Their existing construction manager was forced to leave the project due to a health issue, leaving the client-facing significant, costly delays if they couldn’t get a skilled replacement on-site immediately. They only required a short-term placement - just five weeks to get the project ready to move to the next stage - but this made it all the more difficult to find a replacement since many project managers with the right level of experience would not be willing to take on such a short project. 


However, having worked with Coalesce before, they knew that we had the scope to bring in consultants who had the right experience in developing major solar projects and could deploy them fast. One of the benefits of working with Coalesce is that our flexible service allows us to place consultants on both short and long term placements to fulfil contracts and resolve issues when they arise. 

Within the same day of the client reaching out to us, our renewable energy consulting team were able to present the client with a construction management professional who was located just a few hours from the site. He was approved immediately and onboarded by the client the next day. By the following week, he was on-site and the project could continue without delay. 


Whether you’re operating a major project that’s run into issues or you have a contract that you need expert help to fulfil, Coalesce can support you with the expertise needed to get your project over the line. Our flexible approach is bespoke to you, which allows us to work very quickly to ensure that you get the professional support you require as soon as you need it. 

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