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Heli-One Case Study

Our client, Heli-one, is a Norway-based helicopter maintenance firm who had taken on a mechanical design contract with the Norwegian ministry of defence. As a specialist defence contract only very skilled, very experienced engineers would be suitable for the requirements of the project. And to add to the challenge, this was all taking place at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. 

The client hadn’t been able to source suitable engineers within the country - there was simply no-one available with the right skillsets for such a niche task. However, having worked with Coalesce before, they knew that our engineers would suit the requirements. 

The problem? Our leading mechanical design aerospace engineers were based in the UK. Heli-One were happy to use international talent - but had considered the pandemic restrictions too big a barrier to overcome when searching for engineers themselves. Coalesce, however, never stop until we find a solution. 

Our experts were fully aware of the limitations and allowances of the pandemic restrictions in both the UK and Norway, and we knew that engineers on a military contract could be designated key workers and allowed to travel, as long as they were tested and quarantined for 10 days. We took the necessary steps and got our two engineering consultants in country. 

We mobilise consultants across countries all the time, but the restrictions made this a particularly complex challenge. As well as dealing with process documents, visa requirements and travel arrangements, we took on the organisation of tests and hotel quarantine. In the end, the hotel we were able to secure was directly next to the airport where they’d be working - they could see the site from their windows! By arranging for laptops to be safely delivered outside their hotel doors, we were even able to minimise downtime on the projects - giving our contractors the tools to begin working remotely while quarantining.

Both consultants were soon able to be fully on-site where they helped the client fulfil their contract on time. Not only did they deliver that contract, Heli-One have since reached out to us again to request both contractors again to manage two other projects - something we’ve been happy to fulfil.

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