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Asia’s wind market is looking promising, with nearly 100GW of offshore wind capacity expected to be installed by 2030 - according to the Global Wind Energy Council. 

But there remain challenges in the face of the energy transition across Asia, that it will take conventional energy experts to overcome. 

The renewable transition has huge challenges

A review by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) suggested that to keep pace with economic growth and achieve net zero, the region will need to install another 2,770-3,400 GW of renewable power capacity by 2050. 

Total global renewable capacity today is only 2,352 GW.

The rate of growth required is unprecedented but so is the growth of projects planned - as well as scale of capacity for those being developed. The Global Wind Energy Commission (GWEC) in a report earlier this year stated that it took 40 years to build the first TW of wind energy capacity - but the next TW will be built in just 7 years. 

This, however, puts immense pressure on the supply chain, with bottlenecks expected in nacelle construction, gearbox manufacturing and supply of blades and generators. Without significant new investment in these areas, and changes in trade practice restrictions, GWEC estimates capacity will be reached by 2026. 

All this requires investment which is only added to the (already high) cost of building offshore wind farms. Average energy tariffs across Asia are significantly lower than regions like the Europe and the Americas, which gives investors less economic incentive to launch new projects than they would have in other parts of the world. 

Does this mean the energy transition is too big to realistically achieve in Asia? 

It at least means there is a great need to rely on experts whose experience comes from other areas. We’ve written before about the huge opportunity for conventional energy experts to transition into the renewables market, and as a global consultancy founded on delivering true expertise across the energy and advanced engineering markets, we’re in the fortunate position of having a vast workbench of professionals whose backgrounds come from all areas. 

When it comes to rapid deployment, overcoming complex challenges and scaling up projects to deliver more than anticipated, no-one is better than those who have worked in the oil and gas industry. And that’s the experience you need to help achieve your renewables goals. 

Why are we talking about offshore wind? 

So that’s the target and the opportunity across the renewables market. But why wind? 

Simply put, it’s the most promising, most scalable clean energy technology that can be installed across South-East Asia. The limited availability of land, especially in densely populated countries like South Korea and Japan, has made it increasingly clear that major energy projects are going to have to take place offshore.

Offshore wind has several advantages, including higher wind speeds and consistent generation potential. Moreover, it has the potential to generate massive amounts of electricity that can power entire cities. While the initial investment in offshore wind projects can be substantial, the long-term benefits in terms of clean energy production and reduced environmental impact are undeniable.

But there are significant challenges to be addressed. One of the foremost concerns is the cost of offshore wind projects. These projects involve complex engineering, offshore infrastructure, and substantial maintenance requirements, all of which contribute to higher overall costs. Additionally, the lack of favourable tariffs for offshore wind energy in some Asian countries can deter potential investors.

Which brings us back to the need for a highly skilled and specialised workforce to overcome these challenges and ensure the success of offshore wind projects in Asia, particularly the need to tap into the expertise of professionals from the oil and gas sector, who possess valuable experience in offshore operations, safety protocols, and project management.

Oil and gas professionals are well-versed in working in challenging offshore environments, making them a valuable resource for the offshore wind industry. Their knowledge of offshore logistics, maintenance, and safety can be adapted to the renewable energy sector, ensuring that offshore wind farms are built and operated efficiently and safely.

This is where Coalesce Management Consulting can bridge the gap. Using our global presence and deep pool of engineering experts who possess backgrounds in both renewable energy and oil and gas, we can play a crucial role in the offshore wind industry's transformation by providing essential knowledge and skills transfer from the oil and gas sector to renewable energy projects.

We can assist in various aspects of offshore wind development, including project planning, risk management, technology selection, and workforce training. By leveraging the experience of our teams, Coalesce Management Consulting can facilitate a seamless transition towards offshore wind energy in Asia, ensuring that the region harnesses the full potential of this clean and abundant energy source.

Want to know more? Get in touch with our expert energy consultants today to learn about our deep workbench of conventional and renewable energy professionals and the challenges that we’re able to overcome by providing experts on demand and teams on demand. 

Where are the biggest offshore wind projects in Asia? 

Looking to the future relies on knowing where you are now, and our experts are closely attuned with the most recent developments in the global energy market. These are some of the biggest offshore wind projects we’re currently keeping an eye on that you need to know about. 

Huaneng East Guangdong Offshore Wind Farm


Value: $11 billion

A 4,000MW capacity offshore wind farm due to be built by China Energy Engineering Group Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Co. Ltd, located southwest of Shantou City, Guangdong Province. 

The project is still in the early planning stage, with construction due to begin next year, with the farm aiming to be operational by 2028. 

Deep Wind Offshore Wind Farm South Korea

South Korea

Value: $8 billion

Construction of four floating and bottom fixed offshore wind projects are planned off the coast of South Korea, with a total generation capacity of 4,000 MW. 

Deep Wind Offshore secured the site exclusively for the project in October 2022, with the first of two floating LiDARs deployed to collect wind data for at least a year before additional development can be planned. The project is aiming for a startup of 2031. 

Firefly Offshore Wind Farm

South Korea

$2.5 billion

Equinor’s ambitious 750MW wind farm will be located approximately 70km offshore Ulsan, in water depths of 200-250 metres. The project will use a low draft semi-submersible floating concept, Wind Semi, to achieve this. 

The developer signed an agreement to promote the project with POSCO E&C in August, with the intent to establish a strategic partnership in development, construction, transportation and other areas. They’re looking to start up 2027.

Anma Offshore Wind Farm

South Korea

$1.8 billion

Based 4km off Anma Island, this 532MW capacity offshore wind farm is expected to generate 1,400GWh of renewable electricity annually, powering more than 1.4 million South Korean homes and businesses. 

The project announced completion of their final Environment Impact Assessement in July, allowing them to move forward with their construction plans. In August 2023 the project entered into an MoU with Siemans Gamesa Renewable Energy and Doosan Enerbility to explore the possibility of increasing the local content of its farm through using Doosan’s Changwon factory for final nacelle assembly of it’s 40 SG-236 DD turbines.

The project is looking to startup in 2027.

True Expertise Delivered

These are just some of the current large-scale offshore wind projects currently in development that will require scalable teams of engineering experts over the coming years to ensure they are able to achieve their goals. 

There are many more like these across Asia being planned, and others being announced all the time. This market has a huge potential for growth that will be entirely dependent on true expertise. Coalesce Management Consulting is the business that can deliver those expertise on demand. 

Get in touch with our teams to find out how.